dilluns, 30 de gener del 2017

#global warming evidences 3🌵

The level of water increases as the poles are melting because of global warming. All the citys that will be afected:  Sydney, Istanbul, Adeleide, Lisbon, Barcelona, Dakar, Accrar, Tripoli, Jeddah, Kumait City, Mumbai, Calcutta, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Paramaribo, Rio De Janeiro, Buenos Aires, San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Miami, New Orleans, Charleston, Houston, Miami, Havana, Washington Dc, New York City, Boston, Perth, Stockholm, Copenhagen, London, Brussels, Venice, St.Petersburg, Odessa.

divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

#global warming evidences 2☔

Arctic sea ice extent for December 2016 averaged 12.10 million square kilometers. The second lowest December extent in the satellite record. The rate of ice growth for December was 90,000 square kilometers.
Air temperatures at the 925 hPa level (approximately 2,500 feet above sea level) were more than 3 degrees Celsius above the 1981 to 2010 average over the central Arctic Ocean and northern Barents Sea, and as much as 5 degrees Celsius.
While daily extents for December 2016 were at record lows, based on the method employed by NSIDC, the monthly average extent for December 2016 was slightly higher than that recorded for December 2010, the record low December in the satellite record.
The glaciers dissapear in all  the world Argentina had a huge glacier and is no longer and in Àfrica.

#global warming evidences 1☀

The average annual temperature is expected to increase compared to the 1971-2000 year, regardless of the scenario considered. All scenarios show a statistically significant trend between +0.4 and + 1,4ºC in 50 years and an increase in the interannual variability compared to the control period, although overstated by simulations. The observations show a dispersion (s = 0,4ºC) for 2001-2013 versus ~ s 0,7ºC for different projections regionalized. Geographically, there is a gradient latitudinal and altitudinal variation in projected temperature, being greater in more altitude and / or latitude. Pyrenees would be the most affected, regardless of the scenario considered.
The maximum temperature increases are projected for the summer, with average temperature increases that could be close to 3ºC in Aran and children during the winter. It is likely that these values ​​end up being even a little higher, considering that the model underestimates the variation of the average temperature during the period 2001-2011.

#carbon dioxide concentrations in atmosphere now, in human history erth history ☁

CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas and plays a vital role in regulating Earth's surface temperature through radiative forcing and the greenhouse effect. Reconstructions show that concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have varied, ranging from as high as 7,000 ppm during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago to as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years.

dimecres, 25 de gener del 2017

#greenhouse gases and human influences on greenhouse effect☘

Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by humans, but several other gases contribute to climate change, too. Learn more about the major greenhouse gases by selecting pieces of the pie chart below.

Greenhouse gases come from all sorts of everyday activities, such as using electricity, heating our homes, and driving around town. The graph to the right shows which activities produce the most greenhouse gases in the United States.
These greenhouse gases don't just stay in one place after they're added to the atmosphere. As air moves around the world, greenhouse gases become globally mixed, which means the concentration of a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide is roughly the same no matter where you measure it. Even though some countries produce more greenhouse gases than others, emissions from every country contribute to the problem. That's one reason why climate change requires global action. The graph below shows how the world's total greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to increase every year.
This graph shows how the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions has been increasing around the world since 1990.

divendres, 20 de gener del 2017

#the greenhouse effect as a natural phenomena🚀

When there was no pollution in the earth, some rays were absorbed by the earth and others were radiated back into space. Now because of the contamination the atmosphere is growing thicker, so that it does not allow the rays to return to space. So the temperature in the earth is becoming highest.

#el niño & la niña🍃

El Niño is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the temperature of the Pacific, the zone that touches South America, becomes warmer than usual.
It is one of the most important climatic events on the planet, these events occur cyclically, that is, that they recur at specific times, between 3 and 7 years.
At the top of the atmosphere the wind moves in the opposite direction to the elysian winds, the result of this effect is a system of air circulation, the Pacific Ocean absorbs a lot of solar heat, this heat greatly increases the temperature of The oceanic surface, which is moved by the Elysian winds, these warmer waters accumulate near the north of Australia and the coast of Indonesia, and here the warm, humid air is evaporated, creating clouds of rain. El Niño begins with a strong fall in the force of the trade winds that run through the surface of the ocean and then the system of air circulation stops. The waters of the surface of the ocean are no longer displacements from east to west and therefore begin to move towards South America, hot and humid air rise.

La Niña is the positive phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and is associated with cooler than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
During a period of La Niña, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 3 to 5 °C. In the United States, an appearance of La Niña persists for at least five months. It has extensive effects on the weather in North America, even affecting the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

#convection currents in the atmosphere and hidrospheree and their importance in water temperature☄

If the convection currents stop, the air would be more cold
and start a new age of glacial. Is important in water
temperature because if the water freezes the iceberg can

go to the lands and crash.

#Marine currents and their importance in heat transport💨

An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by forces acting upon this mean flow.
The global ocean conveyor belt is a constantly moving system of deep-ocean because the temperature and salinity.The ocean conveyor gets its “start” in the Norwegian Sea, where warm water from the Gulf Stream heats the atmosphere in the cold northern latitudes. This loss of heat to the atmosphere makes the water cooler and denser, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. As more warm water is transported to the north, the cooler water sinks and moves south to make room for the incoming warm water. This cold bottom water flows south of the equator all the way down to Antarctica. Eventually, the cold bottom waters return to the surface through mixing and wind-driven upwelling, continuing the conveyor belt that encircles the globe.
The golf current is important for heating Europe. It is a current that comes from the Caribbean and it brings as the warm water from there to hit our continent. This phenomenon happens when the warm water evaporates in Europe and it mix our temperatures be higher than in other places.