divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

#global warming evidences 1☀

The average annual temperature is expected to increase compared to the 1971-2000 year, regardless of the scenario considered. All scenarios show a statistically significant trend between +0.4 and + 1,4ºC in 50 years and an increase in the interannual variability compared to the control period, although overstated by simulations. The observations show a dispersion (s = 0,4ºC) for 2001-2013 versus ~ s 0,7ºC for different projections regionalized. Geographically, there is a gradient latitudinal and altitudinal variation in projected temperature, being greater in more altitude and / or latitude. Pyrenees would be the most affected, regardless of the scenario considered.
The maximum temperature increases are projected for the summer, with average temperature increases that could be close to 3ºC in Aran and children during the winter. It is likely that these values ​​end up being even a little higher, considering that the model underestimates the variation of the average temperature during the period 2001-2011.

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